Tuesday 27 November 2012

Mumford and Sons

Mumford and Sons are extremely popular and were hailed as the hottest band alive at one point. I don't like them. I think they are another one of those bands that a lot of people like because others do, when they haven't listened closely to their music at all.

There's something about their music that just seems contrived and forced, not raw or soulful, just processed. I guess its because most of their songs have got the same repetitive tune and rhythm with the annoying country guitars and riffs starring in every song I have heard by them, they always sound the same. Boring to be honest. I'm probably being slightly biased against them as my Dad feels the same way, but its their look and arrogance that gets me the most, but its probably just me being a pompous twat.

Anyway... here's one song by them that I'm sure you would have heard if you know Mumford and Sons.

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