Friday 23 November 2012

Jamie T

Jamie T is one of my favourite artists of all time, partly because of his lyrics and how he makes and performs his music, but also because he is incredibly cool.

He's different to most other people as he raps most of his music but is still indie, he isn't the cliché of a rapper as in making mindless and meaningless shit whilst talking about what car he has and the bitches he pimps... Jamie T's lyrics actually tell a story and that is what I love in songs: stories but with good tunes to go with it. He is a lyrical genius - 'Sticks n' Stones': he is now an adult and is looking back on the days when he used to be young and reckless, running from gang leaders and causing havoc with his mates, living the teenage life to the full. 

Here are a couple of his songs, listen closely to the lyrics, they're the best bits. 



  1. One of my favourite artists, he's one of the few artists where almost every song he makes is quality
